Subject: Usenet spam I wish to draw your attention to the attached Usenet posting. It is a commercial advertisement posted to a binaries newsgroup by a user from your domain. It's totally irrelevant to the group it was posted to. Such vandalism just makes the whole system less useful to everybody. Please get it stopped. Thank you! RR. ---------------Copy of Usenet post--------------5. Remember that staying polite is the best weapon against spam.
Send a copy of the offending post to the address at the bottom. Be sure to include all header fields. Your newsreader should have an option that allows you to display all header fields. Cut and paste the entire header, along with the first line or so (to save bandwidth) of the post and email it to UNET Technologies. If these pinhead spammers get enough complaints logged against them, then their domain will be revoked. UNET Technologies, Inc. Web: Mail: fraud@UU.NET (MassMail Complaint) spam-complaint@UU.NET (Usenet Complaint)